Written by Reinhard Diestel received a PhD from the University of Cambridge, following research 1983-86 as a scholar of Trinity College under Béla Bollobás. He was a fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, from 1986 to 1990. Research appointments and scholarships have taken him to Bielefeld (Germany), Oxford and the US. He became a professor in Chemnitz in 1994 and has held a chair at Hamburg since 1999.
Graph theory is gaining fast growing importance in college and university education. Its applications in computer science, economics, optimization make graph theory an obligatory part in syllabuses of electrical engineering, operations research, economics majors. Following this trend the number of graph theory textbooks on the market is also fast growing. Reinhard Diestel's work is certainly much more than just a small supplement to the previous works. It is an outstanding attempt to give a firm basis for graph theoretical studies and to give a glimpse of the most current techniques. In order to do that the author covers topics that are not traditional in earlier textbooks or not even covered in any of them.
The book consists of twelve chapters: The basics, Matching, Connectivity, Planar graphs, Colouring, Flows, Substructures in sparse graphs, Ramsey theory for graphs, Hamiltonian cycles, Random graphs, Minors, trees, and WQO.
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