Geometry of Surfaces

written by Nigel Hitchin, this article explain about surfaces geometry, topology, reirman surface, and surface with RxRxR (it's difficult i think)and you also should learn hyperbolic geometry form this article, article consits of 100 page, and the good news it's it free and legal to download

here the link for download

Foundations of geometry

Foundations of geometry for university students and senior high school students, This book is a textbook for the course of foundations of geometry. It is addressed to mathematics students in Universities and to High School students for more understanding and learning the elementary geometry, if you want to learn mathematics in geometry specializes this book is very useful to you, for beginning and fundamental understanding in geometry, this book consists of 221 page written by Ruslan Sharipov.

Download this material and book here

Introduction to Non-Linear Algebra

pdf version for those kind article or book is very rare in internet,i just found 1 that i think very good to share, First steps this book are described in direction of Mandelbrot-set theory, which is direct extension of the eigenvalue problem from linear algebra, and is related by renormalization group ideas to the theory of phase transitions and dualities, written by V. Dolotin, A. Morozov they expert in High Energy Physics Theory, this book consists more than 150 page in pdf format

here the link in pdf version

Varieties of Lattices

The study of lattice varieties is a field that has experienced rapid growth in the last 30 years, but many of the interesting and deep results discovered in that period have so far only appeared in research papers. this book written by Peter Jipsen and Henry Rose The aim of this monograph is to present the main results about modular and non modular varieties, equation bases and the amalgamation property in a uniform way. The first chapter covers preliminaries that make the material accessible to anyone who has had an introductory course in universal algebra

download the article and book here

Introduction to Vectors and Tensors

A vector quantity represents a set of three scalar quantities or numbers which have something in common and are collectively referred to as a vector. Examples are velocity, force, acceleration, gradient of a scalar, vorticity, tensor (of the second order) represents a set of three vectors or nine scalar quantities all having something in common. Elastic deformation and elastic stresses are examples of tensors
this book written by Ray M. Bowen from Texas A&M University, this book is free to download and provide for mathematical bachelor student and mechanical or engineering bachelor student.

this book consists of 2 volume, you can download all by link below

Introduction to Vectors and Tensors volume 1

Introduction to Vectors and Tensors volume 2

Algebraic Quantum Field Theory

Algebraic quantum field theory provides a general, mathematically precise description of the structure of quantum field theories, and then draws out consequences of this structure by means of various mathematical tools the theory of operator algebras, category theory, this article and book written by Hans Halvorson, Michael Mueger
algebraic quantum very interesting to who study Mathematical Physics, this article contains more than 200 page explain about algebraic quantum theory or mathematical for physics

Download here, Pdf version

An Introduction to Quantum Algebras and Their Applications

this tutorial written by Jaganathan from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India, in this tutorial below you will get A very elementary introduction to quantum algebras is presented and a few examples of their physical applications are mentioned,
Quantum algebras, or quantum groups, extend the domain of classical group theory and constitute a new and growing field of mathematics with vast potential for applications in physics. In fact, the origins of quantum groups lie in physics: in the studies on the behavior of integrable systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics

Download pdf version here
file only 170 Kb

Linear Algebra for applied aplication

basically same as previous tutorial and previous book, this book explain about algebra, but this book have specialized in applied algebra in Network Flow,Electrical Networks, Economics, Chemistry and Application to Mechanics,
at matrix chapter you will learn about application those matrices concept in game strategy.
in vector chapter, you will learn Vectors in 2-Space and 3-Space Application vector to Geometry in 3-Space Application vector to Mechanics.
after that chapter this book explain more about VECTOR SPACES ASSOCIATED WITH MATRICES,

this book is free to download and copied for individual purpose only without author permission, and you can choose various chapter of this book below

1.linear Equation
2.Matrix and application
3.Determinant, formula table and application
4. Vector and application in 2D-3D spaces
5. introduction of vector spaces
6. Vector and matrix associates
7. eigenvalue and eigenvector
8. linear transformations
9. real inner product spaces
10. orthogonal matrices
11. application of real inner product spaces
12.complex vector spaces

Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra

Linear algebra and matrix theory have long been fundamental tools in mathematical disciplines as well as fertile fields for research, this book written by Carl D. Meyer, in this book describe present classical and recent results of matrix analysis that have proved to be important to applied mathematic, in this book beginning by linear equation , Gaussian Elimination And Matrices, Gaus jordan method, Homogeneous Systems, then matrix algebra, vector, determinant, Systems Of Differential Equations, and the last chapter is Perron-Frobenius Theory Of Nonnegative Matrices, beside index author provide solution manual in the last book.

this book is free and legal to view using pdf format, but it's ilegal to copy or distribute, please understand the term, here the link for download each chapter

1.linear equation
2.rectangular system
3.matrix algebra
4. vector spaces
5. Norm , inner product of matrix, vector
6. Determinant
7. eigenvalue value and eigenvector
8. non negative matrix of ferron frebonius
solution manual

below recommended book of algrebra

Linear Algebra

A First Course in Linear Algebra, this free book provide complete explanation about algebra, written by Robert A. Beezer Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Puget Sound

below some of content from the book :

Systems of Linear Equations
Homogeneous Systems of Equations
Matrix Inverses and Systems of Linear Equations
Vector Spaces
Determinant of a Matrix
Similarity and Diagonalization
Linear Transformations
Vector Representations

You can download here in various format
PDF format 2 side printing

pdf format 2 side printing US Format

PDF format for electronic viewing
PDF format 4 inch x 6 inch


an complete works and tutorial about algebra, ABSTRACT AND CONCRETE, this not only tutorial but more than book, this book writen by FREDERICK M. GOODMAN from University of Lowa, you will learn about algebra themes, cryptography, polyhendra symmetries, ismoteric groups and other, The book addresses the conventional topics: groups, rings, fields, and linear algebra, with symmetry as a unifying theme. This subject matter is central and ubiquitous in modern mathematics and in applications ranging from quantum physics to digital communications

this book provide for higher education bachelor or master in mathematics, if you senior high school i recommended to not download this book except you want to learn more about mathematic,
this book in pdf format about 5 MB, please be patient when you download

click here to download algebra abstract and concrete


trigonometric formula and table list is written by Thomas E. Price from Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON, more than 50 pages in pdf format, in last page you will find some exercises for trigonometric problem with solution, it's very helpfully,, here some list of the content:

The Elementary Identities
The sum and difference formulas
The double and half angle formulas
Product Identities and Factor formulas
Solutions to Exercises

download trigonometric identities and formula

Download Mathematic Formula and Table

table and formula of mathematic below provide by Department of Mathematics, UMIST, this very complete formula and table in pdf file type, include
Trigonometric Identities
Complex Numbers
Hyperbolic Identities
Numerical Formula
Laplace Transforms
Z Transforms
Statistical Distributions
Fourier Series and Transforms
Vector Formula
Algebraic Structures

Download here from mathematic depart. of Manchester University

Graph of Trigonometry function

Trigonometry is one of the branch of mathematics that explain about triangles, , oscillations, circles and various waves, it is absolutely crucial and very important to much of geometry and physics. when we learn geometry or physics we'll alway find that trigonometry very useful, here some of the graph of Trigonometry function

y = sin x
this a basic of graph with variable x in y line

graph below is cosines graph represent y= cos x

and the last graph is function of tangent with formula y = tan x

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